Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just Don't Call Me "Ma'am"

A List Compiled by Melissa and Amilynne

Terms of address preferable to "Ma'am":

1. Miss
2. Lady
3. Love
4. Hon (especially from a waitress)
5. Bella (and I don't mean Twilight)
6. Doll
7. Poppet
8. Yo
9. Chica
10. Y'all
11. Doc
12. Your Excellency
13. Toots
14. Sis, Sista, even Sister
15. Babe
16. Dear
17. Darlin'
18. Sweetheart / Sweetie
19. Sug (like Nancy Gribble says it)
20. The bread, the knife, the crystal goblet, and the wine
21. The wind in the orchard
22. Teacher lady
23. Missy
24. Hey you
25. Number 37, Number 37 to the counter please...

The Pretenders - Angel of the Morning