Sunday, June 27, 2010

Moving In

My junk room is a source of deep despair.

It's the second bedroom in my apartment. It was supposed to be a place for making stained glass windows and painting masterpieces.

It's a junk room.

Sometimes you really need someone to come in and say, "Look, honey - give it up." Maybe not exactly in those words, but with that sentiment. You see, in the closet of the junk room have lived all of the cardboard boxes it took to move me into this apartment. They have been waiting around for me to leave this apartment, but I haven't done that yet. And this spring, a friend with fresh eyes came in and urged me to give it up.

So I have. The boxes are out of the closet. I'm starting to go through other boxes in that room that have been taking up space for years. And maybe someday I will have my project room instead of a junk room. Maybe in time to work on something before the end of the summer.

Devendra Banhart - A Sight to Behold

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